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cleansing clay mask

cleansing clay mask is a deep cleansing mask formulated to draw out pollutants without over-drying your skin. suitable for twice-weekly use or as needed, activated charcoal acts like a magnet to attract and absorb your skin’s excess oil and pore-clogging pollutants. antibacterial cajeput and basil essential oil help finish off the deep cleanse while aloe gently hydrates to leave your skin soft and soothed.

4 fl oz 118 mL glass jar with lid

useful for oily, combination, and blemish-prone skin types.


smear a generous amount over freshly cleansed skin. leave for at least 15 minutes. rinse well. twice weekly.

étaler une quantité généreuse sur une peau fraîchement nettoyée. laisser au moins 15 minutes. bien rincer.


water (eau), kaolin (clay), activated charcoal (charbon activé), aloe barbadensis leaf juice (jus de feuilles d'aloès), glycerin (glycérine), avena sativa (oat) kernal flour (farine de graines d'avena sativa), malaleuca leucadendron (cajeput) essential oil, ocimum bassilicum (basil) essential oil (huile essentielle d'ocimum bassilicum), pelargonium graveolens (geranium) essential oil (huile essentielle de pélargonium graveolens), salvia officianales (sage) essential oil (huile essentielle de salvia officianales), isopropyl myristate (myristate d'isopropyle), glyceral stearate (stéarate de glycéral), capryl glycol, sodium gluconate (gluconate de sodium), allantoin (allantoïne), sorbic acid (acide sorbique), xantham gum (gomme de xanthane)

Regular price
$ 32.00
Regular price
Sale price
$ 32.00
    cleansing clay mask
    cleansing clay mask

    uncomplicated skincare.

    • vegan

      all products are free of animal byproducts and our suppliers are all cruelty-free, so are we.

    • responsibly packaged

      no wasted outer packaging. recycled glass bottles. compostable, recyclable, plastic free shipping materials.

    • micro manufacturer

      we are our own manufacturer. we develop, produce, and ship from a singular micro facility just outside Atlanta, Georgia all by hand.